Saturday, March 31, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
AGLOCO Viewbar Launch
Viewbar Update: The engineers have informed me that the Viewbar release is currently scheduled for between Monday April 2 and Monday, April 16 (between 7 and 20 days from now.) I will keep you posted as I continue to hear word from them on progress. As they continually remind me, this is all dependent on the results of QA testing.
Thanks again for all your recruiting efforts. AGLOCO continues to grow faster and faster, as every new week that passes brings a new record week for signups (and last week was no exception).
Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development TeamPublish
Thanks again for all your recruiting efforts. AGLOCO continues to grow faster and faster, as every new week that passes brings a new record week for signups (and last week was no exception).
Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development TeamPublish
You might already know that almost everything you do on the Internet makes money for someone else. And that’s not just when you spend money. Just about every time you view an ad, click an ad, search, buy something, download something, join a community, or post a story, picture, or video, some person or some company is making a fee, commission, and/or sale from your activity...(try to register for 100% free...)
If you want to join as a Member, you download a piece of software called the Viewbar. It’s like a toolbar that sits at the bottom of your desktop, and it will be available soon. Essentially, it collects on your behalf some of the revenue you would usually generate for other people while you conduct your everyday browsing. Then, it returns most of this money to you.
Why does this work? You win because you now get your share of the money for doing what you would normally do. AGLOCO management wins by keeping a 10% cut of this revenue (like Brad Pitt pays his agent a 10% fee). And the companies win, since they get your business. All you need to do is have the Viewbar up on your screen while browsing the Internet like normal.”
The most valuable part of AGLOCO is its Members. By referring others to AGLOCO, you provide them with value and for that, AGLOCO thinks you should get some of that value you provide.
It makes sense. Think about YouTube. The first, most active users were on the site when the software was buggy and there were few videos available, but their Membership (and referrals to others) is what made the site a success. When it was sold for $1.65 billion, how much of that did these first users see? Nothing. With the AGLOCO referral system, Members get more for building the network.”
AGLOCO takes privacy very seriously and keeps all of your personal information strictly confidential and secure. Some other popular Internet companies take your personal information, use it, profit off it, sell it to others, and then give you nothing. AGLOCO will not share ANY of your Membership information with any unauthorized third party, and YOU share in the profits made from more personalized advertisements.
AGLOCO’s privacy policy stipulates exactly what information might be collected. It is 100% transparent and spyware-free. Moreover, while you are paid for the time the Viewbar is up, you can turn it off at any time. To ensure that your privacy is kept paramount, AGLOCO has hired a Chief Privacy Officer, Ray Everett-Church. Ray was the Internet’s first Chief Privacy Officer, and co-author of ‘Internet Privacy for Dummies’. You can trust that our privacy is safe with AGLOCO.
There are a whole bunch of ways AGLOCO makes money on behalf of Members. Here are just a few quick examples.
First of all, the Viewbar has a search function you can use to search yahoo, google, etc. Every time you use this search bar, the AGLOCO community makes money.
Second, the Viewbar has space for a text-only ad (no loud, flashing banners – just unobtrusive text). These ads make money for the AGLOCO community.
Third, AGLOCO has affiliate programs with a number of online retailers. Buy from one of these sites and AGLOCO makes money.
Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team
If you want to join as a Member, you download a piece of software called the Viewbar. It’s like a toolbar that sits at the bottom of your desktop, and it will be available soon. Essentially, it collects on your behalf some of the revenue you would usually generate for other people while you conduct your everyday browsing. Then, it returns most of this money to you.
Why does this work? You win because you now get your share of the money for doing what you would normally do. AGLOCO management wins by keeping a 10% cut of this revenue (like Brad Pitt pays his agent a 10% fee). And the companies win, since they get your business. All you need to do is have the Viewbar up on your screen while browsing the Internet like normal.”
The most valuable part of AGLOCO is its Members. By referring others to AGLOCO, you provide them with value and for that, AGLOCO thinks you should get some of that value you provide.
It makes sense. Think about YouTube. The first, most active users were on the site when the software was buggy and there were few videos available, but their Membership (and referrals to others) is what made the site a success. When it was sold for $1.65 billion, how much of that did these first users see? Nothing. With the AGLOCO referral system, Members get more for building the network.”
AGLOCO takes privacy very seriously and keeps all of your personal information strictly confidential and secure. Some other popular Internet companies take your personal information, use it, profit off it, sell it to others, and then give you nothing. AGLOCO will not share ANY of your Membership information with any unauthorized third party, and YOU share in the profits made from more personalized advertisements.
AGLOCO’s privacy policy stipulates exactly what information might be collected. It is 100% transparent and spyware-free. Moreover, while you are paid for the time the Viewbar is up, you can turn it off at any time. To ensure that your privacy is kept paramount, AGLOCO has hired a Chief Privacy Officer, Ray Everett-Church. Ray was the Internet’s first Chief Privacy Officer, and co-author of ‘Internet Privacy for Dummies’. You can trust that our privacy is safe with AGLOCO.
There are a whole bunch of ways AGLOCO makes money on behalf of Members. Here are just a few quick examples.
First of all, the Viewbar has a search function you can use to search yahoo, google, etc. Every time you use this search bar, the AGLOCO community makes money.
Second, the Viewbar has space for a text-only ad (no loud, flashing banners – just unobtrusive text). These ads make money for the AGLOCO community.
Third, AGLOCO has affiliate programs with a number of online retailers. Buy from one of these sites and AGLOCO makes money.
Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Send and Receive Payments Securely Worldwide
Whether you're buying soccer shoes from Chile, a cell phone from China, or selling surfboards in Costa Rica, PayPal works for you. With a network of more than 103 countries and regions, and in multiple currencies, PayPal reaches across the globe to give you or your business a way to pay or get paid.
Monday, March 12, 2007
10 Tips on How To Write A Sales Letter
Write your sales letter with an Individual in mind; think as if you are writing personally to them. People love to read good
Pengertian Program Affiliasi atau Reseller
Kata Affiliasi berasal dari bahasa inggris Affiliate yang berarti; bergabung, ikatan, atau yang biasa diterjemahkan sebagai suatu ikatan kerja atau bisnis. Sedangkan Reseller secara bebas dapat diartikan orang yang menjual ulang.suatu produk dengan kesepakatan pembagian komisi dengan pemilik produk.
Sistem affiliasi adalah suatu sistem pemasaran yang sedang tumbuh pesat di dunia eCommerce karena kehandalannya dalam memperkenalkan produk kebanyak orang dalam waktu singkat dan dengan biaya yang murah. Sebuah perusahaan eCommerce yang menerapkan sistem affiliasi pada sistem pemasarannya tidak perlu membayar karyawan tiap bulan untuk menjual produk-produknya. Karena dalam sistem affiliasi, perusahaan hanya membayar kepada partner hanya ketika terjadi penjualan produk dengan pembagian komisi keuntungan sesuai kontrak kerja dan sistem affiliasi yang digunakan.
Keuntungan bergabung dalam sebuah sistem affiliasi ini adalah selain tidak adanya ikatan waktu kerja, juga semua proses penjualan, pembayaran, sewa hosting, membeli domain, membuat dan merawat website dan lain-lain semua sudah ditangani oleh pihak perusahaan.
Sebagai patner affiliasi anda akan diberikan sebuah situs pribadi oleh perusahaan dimana anda bergabung untuk keperluan pemasaran anda. Atau biasa juga disebuat URL ID. Contoh;
Dengan URL ID inilah nantinya anda akan mempromosikan atau mejual produk anda. Dan dengan URL ID ini pula perusahaan mengatahui penjualan telah terjadi lewat tangan anda.
Biasanya perusaahan juga melengkapi fasilitas member area di situsnya. Dengan fasilitas ini anda bisa mengatahui statistik penjualan anda, total bonus, jumlah downline dan lain-lain.
Pembagian keuntungan atau komisi dari penjualan tidak selalu sama pada setiap perusahaan affiliasi. Ada yang 10% atau ada juga sampai 50% atau bahkan lebih. Ini biasanya juga tergantug pada sistem affiliasi yang digunakan.
Sistem affiliasi adalah suatu sistem pemasaran yang sedang tumbuh pesat di dunia eCommerce karena kehandalannya dalam memperkenalkan produk kebanyak orang dalam waktu singkat dan dengan biaya yang murah. Sebuah perusahaan eCommerce yang menerapkan sistem affiliasi pada sistem pemasarannya tidak perlu membayar karyawan tiap bulan untuk menjual produk-produknya. Karena dalam sistem affiliasi, perusahaan hanya membayar kepada partner hanya ketika terjadi penjualan produk dengan pembagian komisi keuntungan sesuai kontrak kerja dan sistem affiliasi yang digunakan.
Keuntungan bergabung dalam sebuah sistem affiliasi ini adalah selain tidak adanya ikatan waktu kerja, juga semua proses penjualan, pembayaran, sewa hosting, membeli domain, membuat dan merawat website dan lain-lain semua sudah ditangani oleh pihak perusahaan.
Sebagai patner affiliasi anda akan diberikan sebuah situs pribadi oleh perusahaan dimana anda bergabung untuk keperluan pemasaran anda. Atau biasa juga disebuat URL ID. Contoh;
Dengan URL ID inilah nantinya anda akan mempromosikan atau mejual produk anda. Dan dengan URL ID ini pula perusahaan mengatahui penjualan telah terjadi lewat tangan anda.
Biasanya perusaahan juga melengkapi fasilitas member area di situsnya. Dengan fasilitas ini anda bisa mengatahui statistik penjualan anda, total bonus, jumlah downline dan lain-lain.
Pembagian keuntungan atau komisi dari penjualan tidak selalu sama pada setiap perusahaan affiliasi. Ada yang 10% atau ada juga sampai 50% atau bahkan lebih. Ini biasanya juga tergantug pada sistem affiliasi yang digunakan.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Make E-Gold Account --- Free of Charges
Don't have e-gold account? Open FREE e-gold-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Turn Your $1 E-Gold to $1.000 in few days...Guaranteed!! 
As much as you can. The sky is the limit here…
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